Anyone who follows fashion trends knows that the shearling jackets, caps, or handbags are having a bit of a comeback right now. Real shearling is being used by fashion designers all over the world in their creations. Many people wonder what happens if their shearling jacket gets wet. Let’s look at some related questions.

Should I wear my shearling jacket on a rainy day?

The answer is YES!!! Every shearling jacket should survive a rainstorm. They are designed specifically for wet weather, so a real shearling jacket should emerge unscathed. You can see in our previous article the reasons why you should prefer a real shearling jacket.

How should I take care of my shearling jacket if I caught in the rain?

The most important thing is to let the coat dry naturally. DO NOT try to dry it too quickly or expose it to too much heat. Shearling is simply wool, and you wouldn’t put a wet woolen jumper in the tumble dryer or place it on a hot radiator. You better allow it to dry in a warm, airy area; as it dries, the pelt (the outer) may begin to tighten. Here’s how to deal with that.

What should I do now that my shearling jacket has become rigid as it has dried?

When your leather shoes get wet and you have to wear them to break them open again, sheepskin can be like that after it’s been soaked and dried. To break the fibers open again, you must “work” the shearling. Working with a rigid shearling pelt is similar. you must knead and roll it in your hands, and even try to stretch it open a little – but not too much. Please moderate your actions to reflect the skin; if you have particularly fine lightweight skin, don’t stretch it from here till breakfast time, but if you have a strong hefty piece, don’t be afraid to put in some effort.

What can I do about the rain rings?

If the shearling has fine suede and gets caught in a drizzle, rain spots may be more evident. The tiny rings develop where rainfall has flattened the suede. This is simple to remove. Simply use a dry scouring pad with the crust on one side and the foam on the other to buff your coat.

With the foam side of the scouring pad, brush off the suede nap and revive it. Instead of concentrating on a single location, keep your strokes light, lengthy, and fluid. However, if you want your shearling jacket to look as good as new, with the same sheen and softness, we recommend seeing a specialist.


**If you are looking for a high quality Shearling coat, have a look to our collection here..