Vintage fur coats are frequently handed down through the generations, however, over time they could get worn out or damaged. Regardless of how you got it, your fur coat is an investment, therefore you need to take the best possible care of it. Due to typical wear and tear over time, you can discover that vintage fur coat restoration is necessary. You might not only want to do this with your real fur coats, though. Fur restyling is another practical choice for reshaping your furs into a look you’ll want to wear. This can prolong the life of your coat and make sure you receive the most value for your money.


                                                             Common Types of Damage

Real fur jackets from the past are prone to specific kinds of harm. Knowing what can be corrected and how will help you choose whether to consider fur restyling to create something completely different or whether your fur coat can be returned to its original condition.

Loose Pelts – The majority of fur coats are constructed from several pelts that have been sewn and pieced together to form a larger coat. A skilled furrier will be needed to help hold the pelts in place if some of these seams become loose over time.
Rips – Rips can occur with vintage furs, no matter how cautious you or the previous owner were. Compared to many other types of materials, the pelts are frequently delicate and more prone to damage. When this happens, your skilled furrier ought to be able to do a repair, either by completely replacing the damaged area of the pelt or by sewing it back together.
Using Hooks – Fur coat fasteners can become worn out or come off, leaving you unable to shut the coat properly. The good news is that most furriers can replace these hooks and other enclosures, restoring full functionality to your real fur jackets.
No matter what kind of damage your antique fur coat has sustained, take it to your furrier who can advise you on whether it can be repaired or whether you should look at alternative possibilities.

Fur Restyling 

Even if it hasn’t gotten worn out over time, real fur coats can be updated to look more contemporary. Your real fur jackets can be styled in a variety of ways. You should treat your fur coat like an investment because it is one. The good news is that you can easily adjust your investment if you change your mind about how it looks and make something new. Restyling a fur coat can involve anything from making minor adjustments to the general design to completely disassembling the coat and turning it into new fur accessories, a blanket, or anything else your furrier is capable of.

Even when it comes to restyling vintage real fur coats, there are a variety of possibilities. You will be able to hang onto your antique fur coats so you can get the most use out of your vintage furs, even if you don’t like the original style. You can make little changes, like shearing, shortening, or adding embellishments, or you may create something new and unusual. Accessories can make miracles! A belt and some stunning pieces of jewelry can update your vintage fur jacket into a modern fur jacket.

Regardless of how you got it, your fur coat is an investment, therefore you need to take the best possible care of it. Due to typical wear and tear over time, you can discover that vintage fur coat restoration is necessary. You might not only want to do this with your real fur coats, though. Fur restyling is another practical choice for reshaping your furs into a look you’ll want to wear. This can lengthen the life of your coat and guarantee that you receive the most value for your money.

If you don’t own a vintage fur jacket from previous generations, don’t worry. Haute Acorn’s vintage fur collection has unique vintage fur pieces for every woman who loves vintage style .